Tree For Joules!

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Hortensia Sixto

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P13 (CIFOR-INIA, Spain): Hortensia SIXTO, Dr e- mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it            

Date of birth: 23.12.1958

Nationality: Spanish

Current Position: Titular Research of a Public Research Organizations. Centre of Forest Research CIFOR-INIA, Crta. De la Coruña Km 7,5. 28040 Madrid, Spain

-Tel : 0034913473797, Fax : 0034913476767

Academic Qualifications: PhD Thesis in Botany and Pant Physiology, 1992- Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Other Activities:

Advisory member of the National Poplar Commission since 2006.

Core member of the Spanish Biomass Technology Platform-BIOPLAT.

Research Projects

Over the past 10 years her research activity has been focused on the selection of genetic material and its interaction with the environment with fast-growing species, especially Populus species and hybrids as well as in the design and cultural management of these plantations. In addition to productive criteria abiotic stresses such as salinity, drought or herbicide response have been considered in the selection process.

Coordinator of Research Project related with biomass production for energy through forestry crops and forestry genetic resources conservation.


13 papers in international journals, 2 books chapters, Participation in 20 funded research projects in 3 of them as PI.

Research areas: Intensive Selviculture, Biomass, Abiotic stress response (herbicides, salinity, drought)

List of 5 publications relevant to the proposal

SIXTO,H; GRAU,J.M; GARCÍA-BAUDÍN,J.M. 2001.Assessment of the effect of broad-spectrum pre-emergence herbicides in poplar nurseries. Crop Protection  20(2) 121-126.

SIXTO,H; GRAU,J.M; ALBA,N; ALÍA,R. 2005. Response to sodium chloride in different species and clones of genus.   Forestry Vol.78 (1) 93-104

SIXTO,H; ARANDA,I; GRAU,J.M. 2006. Assessment of salt tolerance in Populus alba clones using chlorophyll fluorescence. Photosynthetica .Vol 44(2)   169-173

SIXTO,H., HERNÁNDEZ,MJ., BARRIO,M:., CARRASCO,J:.,CAÑELLAS,I,.2007. Plantaciones del género Populus para la producción de biomasa con fines energéticos. Investigación Agraria. Sistemas y Recursos Forestales. Vol 16(3).277-294

BARRIO,M; SIXTO,H; CAÑELLAS,I; CASTEDO,F.2008. : Dynamic growth model for I-214 poplar plantations in the north and central plateaux in Spain. Forest Ecology and Management. 255. 1067-1078